A new decade begins…

Sarah Maguire, our CEO, reflects on the past decade and looks forward to the next one. She says "Who would have thought a businessman, best known for hotels, would become the leader of America?
As we race towards Christmas, I have been reflecting on the 2010s. What a decade it has been. We began with a global financial crisis and social unrest around the world. We have seen great strides being made in LGBT rights, and new leaders emerging from the most unexpected places. Who would have thought a businessman, best known for hotels, would become the leader of America? Or a 15-year old girl with autism would inspire young people all over the world to get involved in the climate change debate?
Pokémon made a triumphant return, alongside films about comic book heroes. Beards were most definitely in. YouTube, Instagram and other social media platforms meant we could reach new audiences in seconds. Whether good or bad, the last 10 years have shown that change happens quickly. That new leaders don’t always look like the leaders we knew in the past, and that things from days gone by can come back with a fresh twist.
So, what do I wish for Choice Support over the next 10 years? I hope that in 2029 we are not distracted by the issues of today, like poor social care funding, and that instead we can focus on doing the right thing for the people we support. I hope we can bring every ounce of our experience, skill and creativity to work every day. I hope we look after ourselves and each other better. I hope we all connect with those people who are making changes we passionately believe in. I hope we find the leader that lies in us all and find ways to set it free. I hope we really embed ways to work alongside the people we support to make co-production an everyday occurrence.
My final wish is for the happiness and health of everyone connected to Choice Support.
On behalf of Trustees and Directors, we wish you all seasons greetings and a very happy 2020.