Are you sitting uncomfortably?

Sarah Maguire our CEO reflects on her response to Rosa Parks’ story and why it's important to celebrate black history and feel uncomfortable.
I was reading an article recently about the first lady of civil rights, Rosa Parks. As many of you know back in 1955, Rosa refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. For this, Rosa received death threats and was forced to move from her home in Alabama to a small home in Detroit, which is some 819 miles or a 12½ hour journey from all her family, friends and life she knew.
There are so many things that I could say about this situation but perhaps the most important for me is understanding that as a white, middle class woman it is unlikely I will ever share that experience. I have both a power and privilege that is not experienced by all, and this is a really uncomfortable thing to say, but my discomfort pales into insignificance compared to the experiences of many people over many 100’s of years.
Unless I acknowledge this, I can’t have the conversations that are so needed as we strive towards equality and justice for all.
Something for us to think about. Have a good weekend. Bye.