Calming animal experiences

The tenants from Mill House in Kent had a mixture of furry and silky smooth visitors from Wild Science.
The staff booked three animal workshops with a range of different animals including rabbits, bearded dragons, chinchillas, millipedes and snakes.
“I really enjoyed the experience,” says Lisa. “It was quite calming and just what I needed.” Lisa has autism and learning disabilities and is supported by Choice Support to live more independently. “I’ve never stroked a chinchilla before and it was a great experience.”
“I believe that the animal experiences have had a positive impact on the tenants,” explains Phoebe, Assistant Team Leader at Mill House.
For some people, the animals help to calm them and for others they can help with anxiety. Phoebe, Assistant Team Leader
“Rorie was scared of snakes and left the room when one was brought out," explains Phoebe. "I was really pleased to see him back in the room to view the snake when it was put back in the box. It was so brave of him. I’m sure his confidence will grow and I’d love to see him stroke a snake at our next workshop.”