Celebrating women

For International Women's day and Women's History month, we asked women in Choice Support to share their achievements and celebrate the women who have inspired them.
Although social care is one of the few sectors where women lead the way, it is also an industry that is often over-looked and unappreciated. We want to highlight the importance of social care and the women who continue to shape and contribute to this profession.
Alison Hume - Trustee
"As the parent of a young adult with complex disabilities, I’ve been campaigning for better access to services and support for over twenty years. In 2019 at the age of 54, I graduated from the Jo Cox Women in Leadership training scheme and embarked on a later life foray into politics, which I hope will lead to me serving my community in public office. I believe we need to see more women in public office so that we can better and genuinely reflect our society.
I greatly admire the New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern for leading her country with compassion and clarity, and for her Wellbeing Budget of 2019. This bold move showed the world that we can discuss and decide on the things we really care about at government level - the future wellbeing of our society and the role of values like kindness, fairness and compassion in directing our policies.
I passionately believe in Choice Support’s mission to create more opportunities for happiness for everyone we support. I admire our Homes Manager, Vicky Place, for the inspirational way she is leading their journey of purpose, and on International Women’s Day I am proud to be a small part of that journey."
Catch-up on our latest blog posts, which highlight how we are working towards creating opportunities for happiness for everyone we support.
Belinda Wabwire Moosbauer - ICT Security Officer
"I’m proud of the different roles I’ve had in Choice Support. I started as a receptionist, which I really enjoyed because it led to interaction with so many members of staff and people we support. Following this, I moved into the ICT department – first as an administrator and then a User Support and Liaison Officer. About three years ago, I progressed to my current role of ICT Security Officer. This an enjoyable and varied job. I find that there is something new every day.
Being Choice Support’s first ICT Security Officer, I’m passionate about ensuring that our systems and users are secure. When I moved from reception, I didn’t know much about ICT. My background had been in customer service. With great management, and enrolling in different courses over the years, I have learnt so much.
ICT is now part of our daily lives and so I would like to see many more women in this field. At the moment, ICT seems to be male dominated. In some of my classes, I would often be the only woman from about 40 people.
Choice Support’s operational female staff inspire me – they work hard and care about the people we support. I like the journey that our CEO Sarah Maguire has taken in the social care sector. Her passion to do the best we can for people we support is very clear to see."
Whether you’re supporting people or working in one of our offices, we are always looking for people who are passionate about making a difference and helping others achieve their goals. Find out about career opportunities here.
Helen Choudhury - Diversity and Inclusion Manager
"I have worked in the anti-discrimination field for 18 years. I have also worked as a lawyer, a qualified teacher, ran my own consultancy, and worked as a global Diversity and Inclusion specialist. I have won a few awards on the way, one of which was the Ambassador for Peace Award in 2006, for extensive interfaith work and bringing peace to the community.
I have faced many barriers in my life, but I did not let this stop me from achieving my goals. I joined Choice Support because I saw our CEO, Sarah Maguire's vlog on YouTube. She inspired me from the way she spoke with so much passion, respect, and care. I have never worked under a female leader before and today I am proud to be working for a great one."
You can read about our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion here.