Creative curiosity

Our CEO Sarah Maguire shares how we can be creative in all areas of our lives "and in doing so create more opportunities for us all to be happier at work."
For a long time, I thought that because I was not very good at art, I was not a creative person. As I got older, I realised that I was creative and imaginative but in different ways. Mr Owens, my art teacher, could not see that in my attempts at school, but I can see it now in my cooking and in the way I approach solving problems.
This week is Learning Disability Week, and its theme is creativity and art. I have seen creativity across Choice Support over the past 14 months in the ways people have supported each other and worked in different ways. I have seen a curiosity for how things are done and how they could be done in the future. It is through the arts that people have found new ways to explore life, share their stories and express how they feel.
We want Choice Support to be a place where everyone can share their creative talents. Linda Richardson who is PA to Dave Jackson, Director of Operations, has started up a wool and chat group on Teams with people we support and their staff. Linda is sharing her creative talents as part of her role. She has found a way to link her role to the people we support, doing something she enjoys.
We have used our collective creativity to be experimental and brave, to trust each other more, and in doing so created more opportunities for us all to be happier at work.
So, have a think about bringing your talents to work. It does not need to be every day; it could be once a month or once a year, whatever works for you.
Have fun.