Have I already told you this?

Despite our disrupted world, CEO Sarah reminds us to hang on to our sense of self and remember that we are still dynamic, inspiring, and creative.
I have had two very recent conversations with two individuals that went along the lines of: “I’ve nothing new to talk about and I’m in danger of becoming very one dimensional.” I think what they were saying is they felt they were becoming boring. Now, these two individuals are the least boring people I know. They are dynamic, inspiring, creative people – yet the situation they, like us, find themselves in has led to them feeling they are not able to demonstrate or express all their unique and wonderful qualities.
So, I decided to Google the characteristics of boring people and this is what I found: “They only talk about themselves. They don’t try to expand their horizons. They cannot tell a good joke or a story. They never practice empathy. They never have an opinion on anything. They never do anything fun in their lives. They always complain, and they never express passion for anything.”
I have known these two people for 37 and 19 years respectively and they do not display the characteristics of boring people, quite the opposite. As our worlds have become smaller and our routines disrupted, our sense of self has been distorted.
So, if you are feeling a little one dimensional, remember my Google search, and I think you will discover that you are in fact multi-dimensional. You just need to remind yourself of this a little more often.
Have a good weekend.