Keeping safe, well and happy

Some of the people we support, and their staff wanted to share their stories about how they are coping with the Coronavirus lockdown.
Here are a few stories from across Choice Support of how people are keeping themselves safe, well and happy at this difficult time, in lots of fun and creative ways.
Sharing positivity
Kate, support worker from Choice Support says “I just thought I'd share some photos with you." (Which you can see above and in the carousel below). "Gemma bought her dog up to the property today to cheer us up and everyone loved it. We enjoyed playing snooker and enjoyed a game of bowling. Hope you don't mind me sharing but thought I'd share some positivity.”
Rainbow reminders to stay safe
During a night shift, Judith, a woman supported by us, said to her support worker Kelly, that she’d like to do something to show everyone that she cares about them. After a chat, Kelly said “we put our heads together, from a safe distance obviously, and we had a look online and saw the rainbow messages that people are leaving in their windows. Judith loved the idea as everyone likes rainbows. I thought that Judith is so right!”
“I supported Judith to make two rainbows signs. We put one in the living room window and the other is in Judith’s window.”
“We thought everyone would like to see️ the photos (see above and in carousel below). Take care and stay safe” concludes Kelly.
Keeping in touch and occupied at home
Becky, Choice Support manager and her staff at one of our day activities services, which has closed due to the outbreak, have listed all the ways they are helping people we support who usually attend their service by:
- creating weekly, individualised activity packs and hand delivering these to over 50 people
- letting everyone know that we are still here so they can contact us any time they want to, and contacting people at least once a week, more if needed, using a variety of ways including phone, Facetime, and WhatsApp video calls
- helping people to understand about social distancing and offering some people a walk in the local park, on a one-to-one basis, which gives some much-needed respite for parents and carers
- setting up an on-line parent/carer forum, the first one is this Thursday using Zoom
- linking people, we support together through telephone conference calls
- using a new Wellbeing Facebook page that has been set up by Choice Support to run on-line activities sessions, and last, but not least
- carrying on celebrating birthdays with individuals and posting photos and clips to them on the new Facebook page.
Feedback from people we support, their families and carers has already been positive.