One-stop love shop

The Supported Loving toolkit is a 'one-stop-shop' for information around sex and relationships.
Supported Loving is underpinned by the belief that people with support needs have the right to a rich and fulfilling personal life. The toolkit aims to fulfil that right by providing accessible information and resources to people with support needs, people who provide support, and family members.
The toolkit brings together experts from around the country to provide information and resources around sex and relationships. Contributors to the toolkit include care providers, dating agencies, support staff and sex educators and they cover a range of topics such as masturbation, contraception and domestic abuse.
Dr Claire Bates, founder of Supported Loving, says: “We are very excited to launch the Supported Loving toolkit. This was a huge piece of work and I want to thank all of our network members for their contribution and hard work. We wanted to bring all the information together on different aspects of sexuality and relationship support into a one-stop-shop to make it easier for people to find what they need and plug gaps in this area.”