The Peter Parker principle

“With great power comes great responsibility,” Sarah reflects on the meaning of Peter Parker's quote in her Friday vlog this week.
Hello, Friday once again and the vlog this week is called the ‘Peter Parker principle’. In the midst of record temperatures and tropical storms we’ve watched the torment and upset experienced by students this week as they’ve tried to work out their options. We’ve also heard that the government has plans to abolish Public Health England which seems a bizarre decision in the middle of a global pandemic.
Apportioning blame for these issues seems more important than taking responsibility for any part played. It feels like we are living in a blame culture with people in positions of power unwilling to take responsibility for their actions or accountability for the outcomes.
I was ‘chuntering’ away about this when my husband and daughter looked at each other and in unison said, “with great power comes great responsibility.” The quote is from Peter Parker, better known as the superhero Spiderman.
The quote is as important for those of us working in health and social care as it is for the government. We need to recognise the individual and collective power we hold and find ways to share this with the people we support and their families.
So, thank you Marvel Comics and Spiderman for reminding us about this very simple truth.
Have a good weekend. Bye.