Transgender day of visibility

Discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming individuals makes expressing their true gender identity difficult.
We champion the rights of our colleagues and the people we support to freely express their gender identity, without exclusion or discrimination. We value people for who they are, and we expect everyone to know that they matter.
Today, we are celebrating the International Transgender Day of Visibility. This day is celebrated annually on 31st March. It originally began in 2009 to celebrate the achievements of transgender and gender non-conforming people and to highlight stories about transphobia, discrimination, hatred, prejudice and harassment faced by transgender people in everyday situations.
Transgender people are our colleagues, family members, friends, and neighbours. They have the right to be treated with respect just as much as anybody else. They are very much equal members of our society. Please join us in celebrating the day by reading our blogs, sharing your stories and experiences and making this a truly great day to remember.