We're outstanding

We are proud to announce that we have achieved an overall outstanding rating from the CQC for our domiciliary support in the South East.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regularly checks our services for quality. At our latest inspection we received a good rating for being safe, effective and caring, with outstanding in the responsive and well-led categories.
We'd like to thank all our staff and people we support for taking the time to talk to CQC. Tommy (featured centre in the picture above) showed them around his home and together with his staff talked about how his use of virtual reality is opening up lots of new opportunities for him. Tommy went to Colchester Zoo recently to feed the animals, as a result of his virtual safari experience. After flying in a virtual helicopter, he's also booked to do a helicopter ride. We look forward to hearing what else Tommy gets up to!
The registered managers Dan Johnson and Victoria Brown worked with CQC on the days of the inspection.
“Although Victoria and I are the registered managers," says Dan "this outstanding
result is the outcome of a real team effort. Effort from the managers
of the services, their teams, our colleagues in central services and
importantly the people we support."
"Receiving an outstanding rating shows us that CQC agree we are supporting people in creative and innovative ways to live the life they choose. I am particularly proud that it recognises where our staff go over and above their role to support people to live a happy and fulfilled life. Without their dedication to the people we support none of this could be achieved.”