Housing and living

Housing management

Staff Karen Pay Housing Officer Main Image

Where we are responsible for managing the property where you live, our housing officers can help you to manage your tenancy.

Staff Karen Pay Housing officer
I used to be a support worker, so I know the difference a tenancy can make to someone’s life. Karen Pay, Housing Officer

Unlike many mainstream housing providers, our housing officers have a better understanding of people’s support needs. This can help to solve issues far more quickly and with less anxiety.

October 20 blog Mayman lane 2 colour edited

Housing developments

We are currently focusing our building development to meet the NHS Transforming Care programme.

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Housing and living

We provide support to people living in their own homes. Where you live may be described as a service in registered care, supported living or outreach. To us, what is most important is that it’s your home.

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A Place To Live Kathys Story Main Photo 2600 X 1100

Hospital to home

Unlike Kathy, most of us take for granted that our home is our place of sanctuary, where we can feel secure.

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