Supported Loving
Resources for staff, supporters and family members

Supported Loving information for staff, supporters and family members.
Educational courses/information on sexuality and relationships
Free Resources
- Sexual expression training pack for people with learning disabilities Brook with extensive support form David Stuart and Sarah Bustard
- Jiwsi - Pick & Mix of Sex and Relationships Education Activities - Free resource from the FPA
- Organization for Autism Research have a free online course on dating and sex education
- Puberty and sexuality for children with disabilities from the RSE Hub
- Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships: Guidance and standards from The Open University Sexuality Alliance
- Talking About Series from the Sexual Lives and Respectful Relationships Group
- Let's talk about sex, intimacy and relationships with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition or another disabling condition. An interactive video experience to explore the challenges around sex
- Let’s Talk about Relationships and Sex: Trainer’s Guide From the Down's Syndrome Association (Recommended)
- Sexual Health, Relationships and Parenthood a workbook resource for one-to-one Support for young people with a learning disability by Forth Valley NHS Scotland to deliver relationships, sexual health and parenthood education.
To Buy
- Books Beyond Words A collection of four picture books for people with learning disabilities that can be used to explore relationships, sex, love and friendship (Recommended)
- All About Us A self-study learning tool that can be used by someone with a disability on their own or with support. Covers topics including relationships, contraception, STIs and public/ private issues
- Sex and Relationships Education for Young People and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Kelly Asagba, Sophie Doswell and Jan Burns
- You, Your Body, Growing Up, Relationships and Sex DVD and lesson plans from Life Support Productions
- Sex was Rude, Now its Real interactive educational course in understanding sexuality & relationships for Autistic people
- Talkabout Sex and Relationships 1: A Programme to Develop Intimate Relationship Skills A toolkit for all anyone who delivers relationship education to people with learning disabilities
- Picture Yourself Social and sex education Sets of line drawings and photographs for use in sex and relationships work
- Songs for Your Body Songs to help people with severe learning disabilities learn about sex and relationships
- Things Tom/ Ellie Likes Picture books about masturbation
- What are relationships? A book for autistic people addressing relationships
- What's happening to Tom/ Ellie? Picture books about puberty
- What is...Personal Space?: A book for young people with autism, developmental and intellectual disabilities A book for autistic people addressing personal space
- Relationship and Sexuality Training- National Institute of Intellectual Disability Studies (IRELAND) An e-learning programme to equip staff with the knowledge, skill and competence to respond appropriately to sexuality issues that may arise in daily situations when working with people with learning disabilities
- Boyfriends & Girlfriends: A Guide to Dating for People with Disabilities- A book for teens and adults with learning disabilities explaining all about dating.
- What is...? Series by Kate Reynolds including: sex, pregnancy and menopause
- Practical guidance on sexuality and relationships (Pavilion Publishing) - many Supported Loving members contributed
- Supporting disabled people with their sexual lives (Tuppy Owens with Claire de Than)
- Sexuality and severe autism A Practical Guide for Parents, Caregivers and Health Educators
- Intimate Relationships and Sexual Health A curriculum for teaching adolescents/ adults with high functioning autism
LGBTQ+ and gender
- Challenging homophobia and heterosexism (Norah Fry Research Centre
- LGBT resources a selection of various resources from LGBT health and wellbeing
- Transgender Easy Read Guide For Web created by CMG with Choice Support and Change
- This is me: the girl who was really a boy A picture book about being transgender
- LGBTQ+ easy read booklet from CHANGE coving the full range of LGBTQ+ identities
- You Being You from Mencap resources about gender identity, gender expression and sexuality
Regulatory guidance
- Relationships and sexuality in adult social care services Guidance for regulators from the Care Quality Commission
- Supporting meaningful relationships (Skills for Care) - creating a workforce development programme with a sample training course
- Promoting sexual safety through empowerment Guidance for regulators from the Care Quality Commission.
Sexual abuse/sexual safety/ sexual exploitation
- Ann Craft Trust has some resources about sexual abuse and safeguarding policies
- Love Care:fully Sue Sharples Churchill Fellowship report, exploring sexual safety for adults with learning disabilities: lessons learnt from the USA and Canada
- Helping Each Other sexual exploitation project by ARC including full worksheets, videos and resources
Capacity and consent
- Practice guidance toolkit for assessing capacity to consent to marriage (My Marriage, My Choice) NOTE: Test for sexual consent has not been updated
- Sexual knowledge and behaviour assessment tool for assessing levels of sexual knowledge and understanding before and after a programme of sex and relationship education
Women's health
- Supporting Women with Learning Disabilities Through the Menopause is a manual and training resource for health and social care workers.
- The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods is a detailed guide for young people aged 9 to 16 on the basics of menstruation
- Periods: a practical guide from Bodysense
- My Pregnancy, My Choice a series of accessible booklets for women with learning disabilities surrounding pregnancy
Others aids
- Half life-size anatomically correct cloth models to be used in a range of ways to help explain sex and relationships
- A full-scale model showing the female genitals and sexual organs, inside and out
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