Supported Loving
Supported Loving podcasts

Listen to Supported Loving podcasts discussing topics surrounding sexuality, intimacy, relationships and good support
To collaborate on a future podcast, get in touch with Dr Claire Bates.
If you would like to become a member of the Supported Loving network, fill out our quick sign up here. We meet a few times a year to discuss and share good practice.
Episode 9: Couples during lockdown
This is our latest Supported Loving podcast, fitting with the theme of Learning Disability Week 2020. We talk to Jen and Bill, who met via Safe Soulmate, about their experiences of being a couple apart during lockdown.
Episode 8: Talking to families
Really excited to be joined by Dimensions family consultant Liz Wilson, a mother of a young woman with learning disabilities, speaking to us about how to have conversations with families about sex and relationships.
Episode 7: Sex was rude and now it's real
We talk to Isabel Bullion, who works at The Autism Hub at United Response, about her new book Sex was RUDE, now it's REAL, a comprehensive and interactive guide to help people with autism understand their sexuality. Available here or contact Isabel.
Episode 6: Singles Nights
Lizzie Carline, from Wirral Mencap, talks to Supported Loving about how to set up a singles night for adults with a learning disability.
Episode 5: Answering your questions
This podcast features a Q&A from Dr Claire Bates (founder of Supported Loving), Gillian Leno (PSHE Specialist) and Sally Warren (MD of Paradigm). They answer YOUR questions from Twitter - talking families, capacity, sex workers - the lot!
Episode 4: Harmful sexual behaviour
In this episode we discuss harmful sexual behaviour among men with learning disabilities and autism. We also discuss the treatment available to support men who display this behaviour.
Contact Glynis Murphy at…/glyn_murphy.html
Episode 3: LGBTQ in Wakefield
Talking about the launch of a new LGBTQ space for people with learning disabilities in Wakefield.
Episode 2: Sex and relationships
In this interview we speak to Dr Michelle McCarthy from the Tizard Centre and the University of Kent about her extensive research in the area of sex and relationships for people with learning disabilities. Read more about her work here:…lle_mccarthy.html
Episode 1: Introducing Supported Loving
This is the first Supported Loving podcast, introducing your co-hosts Dr Claire Bates (Supported Loving founder), Sally Warren (Paradigm) and Gill Leno (Specialist SRE teacher/writer/researcher working with people with learning, physical & sensory disabilities & autism).
Follow us on Twitter @SuportedLoving
Follow Gill @sen_sre
Follow Sally @SallyAWarren
Theme tune
A podcast has to have a cheeky theme tune and ours was made by the awesome Emma Marshall - AKA Ukelady.