Supported Loving toolkit

Capacity to engage in sexual relations

Couple holding hands

Here at Supported Loving, one of our most frequently discussed topics is mental capacity regarding sex. Staff are often uncertain about this topic and this page aims to provide clarity.


BILD Capacity Assessment Tool

Free tool to assess capacity from BiLD.

39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Guidance

Guidance for social care professionals around the law and principles relating to assessing mental capacity.

Easy Read Guide to Sexual Consent

Available from Change and SARSAS (Bristol).

Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice

Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice giving guidance for decisions made under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

My Body My Choice

Created by My Life My Choice, a booklet if you want to find out more about consent.

Sexual Consent Animation- Informing Choices

Watch this video by Informing Choices Northern Ireland about sexual consent

Consent Film by SignHealth

Watch this video by on non-verbal consent by SignHealth

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Supported Loving toolkit

The Supported Loving network has produced a series of guides to help support people with issues surrounding sexuality and relationships.

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What Is Supported Loving

What is Supported Loving?

For some people finding love is often more than just chemistry – it can come down to getting the right support

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Supported Loving network

Supported Loving is not a formal membership organisation. Anyone can take part, it is free.

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