Supported Loving toolkit

Having conversations

Friends communicating in sign language

Uh, oh. Someone wants to talk to you about sex and they're asking lots of awkward questions. What can you say?


Let’s Talk About the Birds and the Bees

This book uses clear, easy to understand language to answer questions about sex and relationships, and covers subjects from puberty to consent with accuracy and honesty.

Masturbation, Autism and Learning Disabilities

A comprehensive book on masturbation for people with autism and learning disabilities

Talking Together…About Growing Up

This practical, activity-based workbook will support parents in helping their children who are approaching puberty to understand about growing up, sex and relationships. The fully illustrated exercises can be adapted to suit differing levels of ability and cover body parts, public and private behaviour, assertion and keeping safe, feelings, body changes and puberty, menstruation and looking ahead to relationships. Only available as a PDF

Should I tell them that? Developing relationship and sex education (RSE) for people you support

This webinar helps you to explore key themes and prepare for successful delivery of inclusive, reflective and responsive RSE, tailored to the needs of people you support.

What is Sex?

This illustrated book provides an explanation of sex for people with autism and special education needs and disabilities. It helps readers to understand the physical processes as well as important issues such as consent and sexual safety, helping them to develop positive relationships.

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Supported Loving toolkit

The Supported Loving network has produced a series of guides to help support people with issues surrounding sexuality and relationships.

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What Is Supported Loving

What is Supported Loving?

For some people finding love is often more than just chemistry – it can come down to getting the right support

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Supported Loving network

Supported Loving is not a formal membership organisation. Anyone can take part, it is free.

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