Supported Loving toolkit

Sexual rights

Kiss marks

Sexual rights are human rights related to sexuality. These rights are often an under-acknowledged area of sexuality and relationship support, but are very important.


Information on the Human Rights Act (HRA)

Equality and human rights commission guidance

Sexual rights of young people with learning disabilities

Manual for sensitizing intermediaries on sexual rights of young people with learning disabilities.

Sexual and reproductive health - World Health Organisation

World Health Organisation's (WHO) working definition on sexual and reproductive rights

Sexuality and Relationships - My Rights Charter

My Life My Choice, the Supported Loving network, the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi), and the Tizard Centre at the University of Kent developed the charter based on the findings of two academic research projects on relationships.

Human rights card game for people with learning disabilities

The British Institute of Human Rights partnered with Cwm Taf People First to create a human rights card game for people with learning disabilities. The game takes real life stories provided by Cwm Taf People First with the aim of the game being for players to decide which human rights apply to each story, some focus on rights relating to relationships and sexuality. Download it for free here

British Institute of Human Rights - Easy Read

Easy read information on human rights

You are a sexual citizen

As sexual citizens, we need to be aware of our sexual health rights and responsibilities. But how many of us are? Gillian Leno addresses the things we make take for granted in our sex and relationships, and why some people are being left out of the conversation.- watch it here

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Supported Loving toolkit

The Supported Loving network has produced a series of guides to help support people with issues surrounding sexuality and relationships.

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What Is Supported Loving

What is Supported Loving?

For some people finding love is often more than just chemistry – it can come down to getting the right support

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Supported Loving network

Supported Loving is not a formal membership organisation. Anyone can take part, it is free.

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