Where we work

Supporting people across Cheshire and the surrounding areas.
Since 1992 we have been supporting people to live independent and fulfilling lives in supported living services and in their own homes.
People in supported living may live on their own, with another person or in a shared house. They may be living in rented accommodation or in their own homes. However people choose to live, we always provide support that is flexible and based on the individual's needs.
We support people with learning disabilities, autistic people and people with mental health issues, taking a person-centred approach. This means getting to know an individual first, and then creating a support plan with them, based on their personal needs and how they choose to be supported.
These principles and values are also core to the support we provide at our outreach service, ‘Daily Options’, where we support people one-to-one in their own homes. We also have a day service, called Partridge's. It’s open five days a week, offering a wide range of activities and learning opportunities.
We strongly believe in teaching people we support valuable life skills to encourage their independent decision making.