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St Andrews

St Andrews supports people to move out of low and medium secure forensic wards into a high support accommodation.
St Andrews was redeveloped in 2016 by Choice Support to provide nine people with mental health needs with high quality self-contained flats. Located in Maidstone, Kent, St Andrews is close to the town centre, GP surgeries and the hospitals.
Individuals have come from forensic hospital such as the Trevor Gibbens Unit, rehabilitation or the prison service. They will have conditions from the Ministry of Justice, which may include no alcohol, no drugs and not returning to where the crime took place.
We deliver a recovery based model of support, working with each individual to realise their personal, psychological, social, vocational and clinical outcomes.
The idea of St Andrews is to support adults in their transition from low/medium secure forensic wards to their own accommodation requiring minimal support. This can take around two years (or until they are ready). Each individual will have a tenancy and be responsible for maintaining it.
We can provide ongoing support, once the individual has moved out, to encourage a smooth transition. This can be for up to six months.
Working together
We will work with you to achieve your goals. We understand that no two people are the same, so the support we provide will differ depending on each person.
We can support you to:
- motivate you to live your life
- manage crisis situations
- manage medication
- understand triggers for relapse
- manage finances and budgeting
- stay drug and alcohol free
- manage your addictions
- attend appointments
- manage your behaviours
- source suitable move on accommodation when you are ready.
We provide a joined up package of support, working in partnership with the mental health trust to provide rapid response to issues including:
- risk factors associated with mental health relapse
- substance use
- criminal justice issues
- treatment compliance
- conflict resolution.
We work with a range of agencies included Community Mental Health Teams, GPs, forensic teams, psychiatrists, Rehabilitation and Recovery team, OASIS, Assertive Outreach Teams, Home Treatment teams and HDTs.
We can take referrals from people with funding in place and often they come from the Trevor Gibbens Unit, Cygnet or Little Brook Hospital.
For more information about St Andrews, please get in contact.