Real life stories

Everyone can communicate

Amys Story Main Photo 2 2600 X 1100

Everyone can communicate, even if like Amy you can't speak. A big part of our work is finding different ways of communicating other than just speech.

I usually look for the bad in situations rather than the good but since Amy has been with Choice Support, I have not been able to find any bad. Amy’s mother
I am extremely pleased with her home and the staff support. Amy's mother
A person’s ability to communicate is not dependent on their being able to master certain skills, it is dependent on our ability to listen and communicate responsively. Jo Grace, The Sensory Projects, PMLD Standards
Seeing the way people who are profoundly disabled can join in and enjoy a story using touch and smell, as well as sound, was a deeply rewarding experience. Feedback, Choice Support Sensory Stories Workshop

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How we support you

We think support will only work properly when it is designed to give people what they really want. This means understanding people’s hopes and dreams, as well as their needs.

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Positive Behavioural Support

Sometimes people we support display behaviours that may be challenging for the people around them.

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