
April Highlights from the Public Engagement Network

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Thank you to everyone who engaged with us this month

Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre

Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre is a registered charity that aims to support people and their families in their needs while coping with cancer and other chronic illnesses. They offer practical advice, emotional support, and a listening ear.

Diane Lewis, our Community Engagement Officer for the Midlands, visited the centre this month and was given a demonstration of the services on offer, including a beauty and relaxation therapy room for person with an illness and their families and carers.

She was also shown a number of aids which help those with cancer. These were put in place on her body so she could feel how they felt for those who use them.

Diane was warmly welcomed into a group activity of craft-making. She found that the people there had a very positive outlook and were happy to share their health care experiences.

With thanks to Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre and the people they support for their invaluable insights and feedback on care, which have now been passed to Care Quality Commission (CQC).

‘Sisters in Solidarity’ By Write into Culture and Dee Cooper, GRT Advocate

Community Engagement Officer, Paige Lyons, attended an online production of 'Sisters in Solidarity' by Write into Culture this month.

Write into Culture is an all-female Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) led and GRT members writers’ group founded by Dee Cooper and Lisa Smith. The group meets online once a week.

This production was a test-run before the public showing. Around 40 people were personally invited by the group from the healthcare sector, film and TV sector, as well as other people from the GRT community.

In the production, the group shared their lived experiences of growing up and belonging to the GRT community through individual performances. The performances centred around how the GRT community are treated in wider society and the struggles they have personally faced with discrimination. This included how GRT people are treated now versus historically, what it means to be a GRT person in society now, how GRT communities are targeted and discriminated because of their appearance, how they choose to live, personal cultures and GRT traditions. After the performance the audience was invited to share their feedback and thoughts.

Thank you to Write into Culture for including us in such an important and creative event!

Birmingham Carers Hub – Age UK

Diane Lewis, Community Engagement Officer for the Midlands, attended a meeting for carers of those living with dementia at Age UK’s Birmingham Carers Hub this month.

Diane found it a very supportive group where carers were listened to and offered advice where needed.

Thank you to Age UK for welcoming us to your meeting and for all those within the group who shared their insights with us to help inform Care Quality Commission’s work.

Making Care Fair campaign, Southend-on-Sea

Community Engagement Officer Marta Styk attended First Learning Disability and SEND Hustings for the Making Care Fair campaign in Southend.

PEN member Beth Hooper, from Mencap Southend and Blade Education, organised the event.

Local politicians in Southend standing at the May 2nd Local Elections in Southend spoke directly to carers, parents, and adults with learning disabilities. The event participants asked the politicians about funding for people with learning disabilities and social care in the Essex area.

They said they found PIP forms complicated and time consuming, and that they are usually rejected by the council.

Other issues raised included wheelchair accessibility on public transport. Attendees reported that buses often pass the bus stop where the people are waiting on wheelchairs without stopping because buggies occupy the space for wheelchairs. The problem of cars on the pavements, blocking the route for people in wheelchairs, was also discussed.

The event was exceptionally organised and was an inclusive space for everyone who wanted to attend.

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