Get Involved: CQC’s Share for Better Care Campaign

Share for Better Care is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) campaign to demonstrate how feedback on helps improve health and care services.
About Share for Better Care
The campaign focuses on people who are more likely to experience inequalities in access, experiences and outcomes. It aims to support the voice of people using care services.
It will focus on collecting experiences from people and communities who are not usually heard, including:
- minority ethnic communities
- lower-income communities
- autistic people and people with a learning disability
- disabled people with physical or sensory impairments.
Share for Better Care is being led by the CQC and Healthwatch England and will run until April 2025.
Learn more at our Members’ Meeting
Jay Harman, Campaigns Lead of the Care Quality Commission’s Engagement Team, will be joining our next PEN Members’ Meeting on to tell us more about the campaign and to answer your questions.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Joining details and a calendar invite will be sent out to all PEN members soon.
Please join us at 10 – 11:30am on Tuesday 16th
Support the Campaign
You can support the campaign by:
- sharing campaign messaging and assets on social media. You can join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram and X using the #ShareForBetterCare hashtag
- contributing people's stories and case studies
- use campaign materials to develop your own content and to collect feedback about care for your organisation
Please email us at if you would like to get involved.