
PEN members' stories

PEN Members Stories

Find all of our members' stories here

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Help Stay Up Late’s Campaign Work

Stay Up Late want to hear from you!

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Inclusion North Reports

Inclusion North have produced reports into how people with a learning disability and autistic people in the North East and North Cumbria can have their voices heard.

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LeDeR: Learning from the Lives and Deaths of People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People

North East Stop People Dying Too Young Group have their say on LeDeR

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National stay up late day

Save the Date: National Stay Up Late Day 2024!

Stay Up Late invite you to the pub on the 17th of May - wherever you are and whoever you are, join them in saying pubs, clubs and nightlife are for everyone!

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PEN member Dee Cooper wins Friends Families and Travellers’ Inspiring Project Award 2024!

The award recognises her inspiring contribution to women’s health in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities

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PEN Member Shortlisted for Gypsy. Roma and Traveller Communities Award

PEN member, Dee Cooper, has been shortlisted for an award for her inspiring work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

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How People with Learning Disabilities can Make Positive Moves from Hospital to Home

Making Positive Moves is a research project that has heard directly from people with learning disabilities about their experiences of moving out of mental health hospitals and into their own homes.

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CQC Young Champions: How Young People are Shaping CQC’s Future

CQC’s Young Champions come together from across England to discuss key issues affecting young people in health and social care.

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My Vote My Voice

We are supporting the campaign to make elections accessible and inclusive for autistic people and people with a learning disability.

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My Involvement Profile: a free new resource to support inclusive involvement

Created by Disabled people, Shaping Our Lives’ new tool aims to boost inclusion for people with accessibility needs.

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Learning Disability Pride – we are proud of who we are!

Gary Bourlet, founder of Learning Disability Pride, tells us about pride in having a learning disability, his vision for the future and how you can get involved

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Meet the Care Quality Commission Young Champions!

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Young Champions are a diverse group of young people who are having a real say in the services regulated by the CQC, from GP practices to mental health trusts and community health providers, right across England.

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How DEX helps deaf young people tackle social isolation, develop their deaf identity and live more independently

Deaf EXperience Limited (DEX) is a Yorkshire-based charity which supports deaf young people aged 11 to 30 to come together, participate in fun and educational activities, and gain new skills.

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New Database to Provide Help for Dependency

Help for Dependency is building a signposting database for people looking for support with substance use and addiction.

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GRT Nurses

‘Nothing about us, without us’: how GRT-trained nurses are centring Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women in healthcare

Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum tells us how trust and insight are essential in improving healthcare for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) women.

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Trans Actual 2022 Report

TransActual’s major new findings on Transition-related Healthcare

Released during Trans Awareness Week (13th – 19th November), TransActual’s new report, Transition Access Survey 2022, shines a light on the experiences of 1,183 trans people accessing (or trying to access) transition-related care in the UK.

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Safeguarding is Everyones Responsibility

Safeguarding Adults Week 2022: Responding to contemporary safeguarding challenges

Monday 21st to Sunday 27th November marked this year’s Safeguarding Adults Week. This is an annual event hosted by the Ann Craft Trust, a leading UK authority in safeguarding adults and young people at risk.

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Comics Youth CIC: Creativity that moves beyond the margins

Emily McChrystal (She/ They), Youth Empowerment Director at Comics Youth CIC, explains how creativity can help amplify young LGBTQIA+ people’s voices in health and social care.

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Being Heard in Health and Social Care

Mohammed Hanif is the director of Advancement of Community Empowerment. In this article, he explains what the organisation is all about and the challenges people have in being heard in health and social care.

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Gypsy, Roma and Traveller histories and health

Michelle Gavin and Billie Dolling from Friends, Families and Travellers discuss how the Public Engagement Network and Gypsy, Roma Traveller Month 2022 have helped amplify the voices of the communities they support

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Public Engagement Network (PEN) updates and shared stories from our members

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Updates from the Public Engagement Network

Find all our updates here

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Contact PEN

Send a message, phone us and connect with us on social media here

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