Young people have their say in shaping CQC approaches across the UK

Youth Voice experts, Participation People, have joined forces with Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Choice Support to launch a new Young Champions programme.
Participation People are award-winning young voice, engagement and participation experts, helping decision-makers across the UK to deliver better services for young people.
Kickstarted in October, Participation People have begun to recruit, train, and support an initial and diverse group of 10 young people aged 13 to 25 who live in England. Many will have a lived and regular experience of health and social care services and will offer a fresh perspective on how CQC listens to, values and acts on children and young people’s views, opinions and lived experiences of services.
After an initial recruitment and training phase, the Young Champions will be involved in reviewing CQC’s approach to regulating services for children and young people. Young Champions will also co-produce an activity and resource toolkit to strengthen how CQC connects with young people.
The Young Champions will then recruit 45 other young people across the country and co-produce a self-assessment benchmark tool. This will be used to design CQC’s new Youth Voice strategy and engagement plan. In addition to this, the Young Champions will work alongside senior leaders to co-produce solutions to BIG Business challenges, seeking the views of 100 other young people, to expand CQC’s reach to representatives across England.
To find out more about the CQC Young Champions programme, please email