Channelling my inner Tigger

"We’ve all been living with heightened emotions for some time now and our social norms aren’t always helpful" says Sarah Maguire, our CEO who recommends expressing how you feel.
I’ve never been ashamed to say that I’m a fan of many of the reality TV shows with ‘I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here’ topping my list, but I’ll tell you more about that in November when the show starts. This month saw the return of the BBC’s ‘Strictly Come Dancing.’ The launch show had the biggest ever ratings for it’s opening show. It was pure joy in our household as we watched the comedian Bill Bailey literally throw himself into his routine with my daughters’ commentary that his dancing style was not dissimilar to that of their dad!
However, it was the actor Caroline Quentin that received as much praise for her dancing as media coverage of her emotional reaction to the judges’ comments. She appeared to be true to her emotions in that moment, not bottling them up, but being more honest and open and letting them out for us all to see. Seeing her do this, seeing her emotions made her seem more authentic and real to me.
We’ve all been living with heightened emotions for some time now and our social norms aren’t always helpful. At times I can feel a pressure just to keep on smiling and carrying on, or worrying I am being insensitive if I celebrate things when so many people are experiencing hardship. I’ve decided that expressing how I feel, both happy and sad…celebrating, is important and it’s a way to help me feel better about myself and my life.
Some days we all feel a little bit more like Eeyore, the anxious and gloomy donkey in the Winnie the Pooh books, and other days find us bouncing for joy like the Eeyore’s friend Tigger, the energic tiger. Whichever it is let other people know how you’re feeling as my guess is, they’re probably feeling or felt just like you.
See you soon, bye.