Do you hear me?

Sarah Maguire, our CEO, reflects on the difference between listening and hearing. “It can feel like we are constantly bombarded with messages, with news and information…”
In this increasingly digital world, it can feel like we are constantly bombarded with messages, with news and information. It pops onto our screens whether we ask for it or not. It can feel like we are constantly in listening mode which is both impossible and very tiring. I came across a presentation on listening by someone called Gerry Sandusky and he’s talking about listening, and hearing, and asks if they are the same thing?
He says that listening is when you allow other people’s words to go into your ears. Hearing is when you allow their words to go into your heart. Gerry says, “that you can listen without hearing, but you can’t hear without listening.” Well this made me stop and think about all the things I say I listen to, but in truth the words just wash over me compared to when I actually ‘hear’ something. Hearing something for me is when I feel it and know that I am going to do something about what I’ve heard. Hearing is when you make a commitment to act, and to do something.
A difference to ponder.
See you next week.