What we do

Mental health

Terry Wood With Thomas Fidgeon Outside 10

When you’re struggling with your mental health, it can be hard to self-manage without some support and encouragement.

PWS Jackie chatting with staff
My anxiety and nerves stop me from doing some things, especially when there are big crowds of people.

Jackie lives in a self-contained flat in Essex and gets support with her mental health needs.

Helping with my anxiety
We encourage peer support to promote self-management and a network of people who share similar experiences.

Help to manage your mental wellbeing by following the five ways to wellbeing.

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Service Beach Road Hayling Island

Beach Road

Helping people to move out of low and medium secure forensic wards into high support accommodation.

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St Andrews Front 2018 Web

St Andrews

Helping people to move out of low and medium secure forensic wards into a high support accommodation.

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