Who we are
Family Ambassador

Families are often keen to know what Choice Support is really like – Lynda can give the insider’s and the outsider’s view.
My daughter has had 24-hour support in her own home for 19 years, and over that time I’ve been proud that some of the most dedicated people I know have supported her to live her best life, but have also supported me and my family.
Until recently, I was a Trustee of Choice Support but when it came time to retire from that position, our CEO Sarah Maguire wondered if I could consider being a voluntary “Families Ambassador”. Often families who are considering where to turn for support need to talk to someone in their shoes before they make decisions. Over the years I have often been asked by families to tell them about my daughter's experience with Choice Support, the good, the bad and the excellent!
Sometimes families of those already using Choice Support’s services have needed to talk over options in confidence with someone independent. I’ve spent a few hours doing that too, working out how to find the right person, discussing options, thinking about training and safeguarding, and mulling over events with a cup of tea in hand! But always with their family member front and centre.
As both an “outsider” (I am not employed by Choice Support) and also an “insider” (my own daughter receives support and I was a Trustee for nine years) it may be that I can help you or your family in this way.
Please do contact me at any time by email, I’d love to hear from you. I’d be happy to meet up with you too if that’s a practical option.