Real life stories
A new home

Lynda asked us for a service to be set up especially for her daughter, it turned out to be a life-changing experience for all her family.
Meeting Choice Support was unexpectedly transformative. When we approached them to provide 24/7 care for our daughter, their willingness to explore new avenues was a game-changer. Despite their lack of prior experience in such arrangements, their positive response marked a turning point for us. Our daughter, Olivia, who has profound disabilities, transitioned from living with us to her own home, supported by Choice Support.
The move was daunting, but with a supportive team focused on Olivia's needs, we saw her flourish. Initially apprehensive about relinquishing control, we soon realised the benefits of specialised care tailored to her needs. Gradually, we established a routine with the team and we were always accessible in case they needed to contact us. To enhance Olivia's social interaction, we welcomed housemates, which added vibrancy to her home.
While challenges arose, the dedication of Choice Support's staff never wavered. Some have become fixtures in Olivia's life, contributing diverse skills and enriching her experiences.
Today, Olivia thrives in her own space, enjoying various activities with her own support network. Our journey with Choice Support has been marked by highs and lows, but the unwavering commitment of her caregivers has made all the difference. As we continue this journey, I extend a welcoming hand to families embarking on a similar path. I've been inspired to become a Family Ambassador for Choice Support, and can assist others navigating similar paths. Do get in touch!