Transforming Care: Mayman Lane

We've just opened Mayman Lane in Batley, Yorkshire. This housing development was built in partnership with Kirkless Council and NHS England and funded through a Transforming Care grant of £1.8 million.
Since we built our first scheme, Holly Lodge in Kent, for people with complex challenging behaviours, we’ve had a lot of interest to build similar properties. We have been attending conferences as guest speakers and have given guidance to a number of local authorities who are considering similar projects.
Six people with complex learning disabilities and autism have already been identified and will be coming out of hospital to live at Mayman Lane. Some of these people have lived in hospital for many years, and this could have been prevented had there been more schemes like this.
The development includes six bungalows, a staff office, sleepover room and training facilities. Like Holly Lodge, it is a a state-of-the-art development, that will not only feel homely for the residents, but will also be safer for staff and residents. The scheme includes features such as curved (and removable) internal walls, soft impact finishes to floors and walls, underfloor heating and assistive technologies.
We know it works
Holly Lodge not only helped people to move out of hospital and saved money for the local authority, it has also made a huge improvement to the quality of life of individuals living there. Everyone has their own front and back door and for some people it’s the first time in their lives that they don’t have to share with anyone else.