Doing and being

Sarah Maguire, our CEO starts her vlog this week asking the question, "whatever your role in social care, my guess is that you spend a lot of time ‘doing’ stuff?"
Whether you are a supporter, a trustee, an HR advisor or an accountant, you’re busy doing activities and tasks related to your role. Sometimes we’re so busy doing things that we forget about the ‘being’ or put another way, why we’re doing the things that we do.
All the things that we do should contribute towards the purpose of our organisation – our reason for being and why we show up every day.
I think organisations should encourage their employees to be themselves and to bring this into their roles. Most of us made an active choice to come and work in places where values are important in the ways which we work. If you’re being you, your values are able to shine through in whatever it is that you are doing. Being the real authentic you, remembering why it is you came to your organisation in the first place, means you can focus on doing what you do and know that you are contributing to the real purpose of your organisation.
Have a good weekend, bye