What we do

Training and consultancy

S Kirby LORES 5853

As an external training provider, we offer online and in-person training to individuals and other support providers.

Our courses

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

An introduction to facilitate understanding of how PBS can improve quality of life for people we support and their supporters. We offer practical insight on how it works and how to embed the principles.

How is the course delivered?
  • The course is a one-day course which can be delivered online or face to face.
How long will the course take?
  • The course will take six learning hours (breaks included) with a 30-minute lunch break.
What are the aims?

The course has been developed for people who support individuals with learning disabilities, mental health issues and/or behaviours that challenge.

It will enable participants to enhance the quality of life for the person they are supporting and to help identify and address the underlying needs of an individual that leads to behaviours that challenge.

Content of the course
  • What is challenging behaviour?
  • Our responses to challenging behaviour.
  • Functions/purpose of the behaviour and ABC documentation.
  • Why do people challenge, antecedents and setting events.
  • Positive and non-punitive strategies.
  • Multi-element support plan.
  • Proactive, active, and reactive strategies.
  • Impact on staff.
  • Legislation.
  • Understanding restrictive and non-restrictive physical interventions.
  • To be able to define PBS and outline its key features.
  • List the functions of behaviour.
  • Understand the function of a behaviour relating to the person they support.
  • Understand the purpose of ABC charts.
  • Outline the key aspects of the multi-element model.
  • Understand proactive, active, and reactive strategies.
  • Identify areas for improvement relating to the current support plan.
  • Apply relevant legislation.
Cost and how to book?

Online courses cost from £700.00 with up to 12 participants. Face to face training delivered onsite is also available and prices can be discussed.

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Embracing and Supporting Autistic People

We are committed in supporting the implementation of the new Autism Core Capabilities Framework into the practice of its staff and supporters. This course is designed to meet the requirements of tier 1 and 2.

How is the course delivered?
  • The course is a one-day course which can be delivered online or face to face.
How long will the course take?
  • The course will take six learning hours (breaks included) with a 30-minute lunch break.
What are the aims?

For learners to understand what it is like to be an autistic person, covering differences in social communication and sensory differences.

The course explores behaviours resulting from these differences. It will support care workers to identify the needs of autistic people and the skills needed to support someone on the autistic spectrum. It also offers suggestions on possible ways to support autistic people using a person-centred approach.

Content of the course
  • History of autism.
  • What is autism, Is there a cause?
  • The Dyad of impairments.
  • Communication, social communication, and flexibility of thought.
  • Sensory sensitivities and integration-hyper and hypo sensitivity.
  • Main features of autism.
  • Self-stimulatory behaviours.
  • Positive aspects of autism.
  • Females and autism.
  • Co-occurring conditions.
  • Executive functioning and theory of mind.
  • The impact of trauma.
  • Law and legislation.
  • To provide insight and guidance on what staff can do to make reasonable adjustments to the environment and the way people work with autistic people.
  • An insight into what it is like to be an autistic person.
  • Understanding of differences in social communication, and sensory differences.
  • Participants will be able to identify the needs of autistic people and identify the skills needed to support someone on the autistic spectrum.
  • Participants to be able to make suggestions on possible ways to support autistic people using a person-centred approach.
Cost and how to book?

Online courses cost from £700.00 with up to 12 participants. Face to face training delivered onsite is also available and prices can be discussed.

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


FAA Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable adults

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners will be asked to prepare some pre-course work and attend a three-part webinar.
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take nine online learning hours and includes an assessment of 60 minutes.
What are the aims?
  • Identify key elements of the law on safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Describe how practitioners can take steps to protect themselves from allegations and complaints within their everyday practice in a work setting.
  • Describe ways in which concerns can be reported for children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Describe the characteristics of different types of abuse concerning children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Explain actions to take in response to evidence of abuse according to agreed ways of working.
  • Describe how to respond to disclosures of abuse according to agreed ways of working.
  • Identify those people who the information of abuse or suspected abuse may be shared with.
  • Understand how to safeguard and protect children, young people or vulnerable adults in the workplace.
  • Know how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been abused.
Content of the course

Ten Modules that will include:

  • Module 1 Introduction
  • Module 2 Safeguarding legislation and guidance
  • Module 3 Indicators of abuse or neglect
  • Module 4 Making judgements
  • Module 5 Communicating worries and concerns
  • Module 6 Roles and responsibilities
  • Module 7 Sharing information
  • Module 8 Allegations and complaints
  • Module 9 Reporting allegations and complaints
  • Module 10 Course closure and assessment.

This will all be included in the blended learning – Starting with E-Learning then two webinars that cover the modules. Assessments are required to be completed for each webinar.

The final stage is having a professional discussion with a question-and-answer session, during which the learner is being assessed to attain the qualification.

  • Understand how to safeguard and protect children, young people or vulnerable adults in the workplace.
  • Know how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been abused.
Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA England)

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to prepare some pre-course work and attend a four-part webinar.
  • The webinars are delivered in four, two-hour sessions over four weeks.
  • You must complete this course on the dates you’ve booked to attend.
  • Independent learning is required before and between sessions.
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take eight and a half online learning hours plus independent learning.
What are the aims?

This four-part training course teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue. MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.

You will learn how to recognise warning signs of mental ill health and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.

You will also learn how to empower someone to access the support they might need for recovery or successful management of symptoms. This could include self-help books or websites, accessing therapy services through their GP, their school or place of work, online self-referral, support groups, and more.

What is more, you will gain an understanding of how to support positive wellbeing and tackle stigma in the world around you.

Content of the course
  • Encourages people to challenge the language we use around mental health.
  • Explores our frame of reference and the stigma attached to mental health, from both personal and societal perspectives.
  • Helps people to understand what good mental health looks like
  • Explores the factors that can have an impact on your mental health.
  • Looks at how you can support yourself and others with self-care, giving people skills to influence their own mental health and help prevent mental ill health.
  • Talks about recovery from mental illness and looking forward.
  • Teaches about diagnosable mental health conditions, what unwell looks like and how to spot these signs in yourself or others.
  • Talks about what to do if you think someone is unwell and the steps to take for early intervention.
  • Teaches how to intervene (including in a crisis), reassure and signpost to further support.

Certification: Mental Health First Aider Certificate.

We recommend you attend a refresher course after three years.

Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Lead to Succeed – CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to attend a five-part webinar.
How long will the course take?
  • The webinars are delivered in five, 3 ½ hour sessions over a maximum period of 3 months with additional activities to undertake between sessions.
What are the aims?

Learners completing Lead to succeed will understand how successful behaviours and practical strategies can support them in their day-to-day work. They will be challenged to put these into practice, boosting their capacity to lead and manage effectively. The programme includes an emphasis on reflection, helping individuals to learn from their day-to-day experiences and think about how they can do things differently or get better at recognising what they do well.

Content of the course

The areas covered in this course are based on management and leadership development skills:

  • Successful behaviour for leaders and managers.
  • Developing a positive culture.
  • Effective supervision.
  • Leading and managing change.
  • Leading and managing the inspection process.

Certification: Skills for Care Lead to Succeed Certificate.

Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Buccal Midazolam and Epilepsy Awareness

How is the course delivered?
  • This is not an on-line course. Learners are asked to attend a whole day face-to-face session.
  • The day will include a formal written test and practical administration simulation.
How long will the course take?
  • One day lasting 6 hours.
What are the aims?

This course has been developed for people who regularly administer buccal midazolam.

It will enable participants to administer buccal midazolam safely and appropriately. Participants will also gain a better understanding of epilepsy awareness.

Content of the course

The content includes all requirements of Epilepsy specialist nurse association’s training requirement including:

  • Epilepsy awareness. Including diagnosis, seizure types, treatment options, first aid, status epilepticus.
  • What is midazolam, including different preparations/concentrations.
  • Indications for the use of midazolam.
  • Appropriate doses when given via the buccal route.
  • Benefits of using buccal midazolam.
  • Recognise signs of respiratory depression.
  • Possible difficulties in administration (e.g. excessive salivation, injury to mouth etc.)
  • Potential side effects. Actions if buccal midazolam is ineffective.
  • Identifying and using individual’s buccal midazolam care plan.
  • Secure storage and safe disposal.
  • Duty of care/ responsibility and accountability.
  • Practical demonstration using DVD or visual aids and use of water to demonstrate on a volunteer.
  • When to seek medical help. Aware of potential for misuse. Awareness of relevant local policies.
  • Interactive case discussions.

A certificate will be issued if the trainer is satisfied that the required learning has taken place.

Following this session and prior to the learner being able to administer buccal midazolam medication, you must ensure a work-based practical assessment is completed to assess competency.

Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Support My Loving - Providing good support around sex and relationships

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to attend a webinar delivered by Dr Claire Bates.
About the trainer
  • Dr Claire Bates founded the Supported Loving Network promoting best practice for supporting people with learning disabilities to have loving relationships.
  • Claire is a researcher at the University of Kent's Tizard Centre exploring the topic of sexuality and relationships for people with learning disabilities.
  • She was a consultant on the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance - "Relationships and Sexuality in Care Settings".
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take three online learning hours.
What are the aims?

This practical online course will explore how sexuality and relationships are best supported within social care.

Course participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge and engage in joint problem solving and discussion.

Content of the course

It will cover:

  • Why consideration of relationships and sexuality is important in the lives of people who use social care services.
  • The barriers that people face in expressing their sexuality and how these can be overcome.
  • Presentation of a guided decision-making model that can be used by supporters to aid interventions.
  • Exploring the Mental Capacity Act, the Human Rights Act, The Care Act and the Sexual Offences Act in regard to sexuality and how to assess risk.
  • Understanding how to write a robust sexuality and relationships policy.
  • How to meet the CQC guidance on "Relationships and Sexuality in Care Settings."

You will learn how to support people with learning disabilities to safely and successfully have loving relationships.

You will find out how your organisation can meet the requirements of the new CQC guidance on "Relationships and Sexuality in Care Settings."

Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Support My Loving - (within the Law)

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to attend a webinar delivered by Dr Claire Bates.
About the trainer
  • Dr Claire Bates founded the Supported Loving Network promoting best practice for supporting people with learning disabilities to have loving relationships.
  • Claire is a researcher at the University of Kent's Tizard Centre exploring the topic of sexuality and relationships for people with learning disabilities.
  • She was a consultant on the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance - "Relationships and Sexuality in Care Settings."
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take three online learning hours.
What are the aims?

To help those supporting other people with their sexuality and relationships to understand where they stand legally.

Content of the course

The course was developed in consultation with expert lawyers in this field. It is aimed at support staff and managers and will include some legal case studies but will not be overly legal and will not contain a lot of jargon.

It will explore the most common issues and concerns regarding the law and supporting sexuality and/or relationships including:

  • Can I support someone to search for porn online?
  • How do I know if someone has the capacity to consent to sex?
  • Can I make someone I support share their Facebook messages with me because I am worried they are meeting weird people for sex online?
  • Can I ask people to leave their door open when their partner visits?
  • Can I stop someone seeing a partner who I think is abusing them?
  • Are we allowed to talk about masturbation with people we support?
  • Can someone use a sex worker in a shared house? Will I get in trouble if I let them in?

You will learn how to support people with learning disabilities within our legal framework to safely and successfully have loving relationships.

Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Understanding Workplace Culture

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to attend a half-day webinar.
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take three online learning hours.
What are the aims?

To develop todays frontline leaders with developing a culture of transparency and empowerment.

Content of the course
  • To explore organisational workplace culture – impacts, drivers, and influences.
  • To consider the links between vision, values, and culture.
  • To provide practical support for managers to support change – influencing and developing a new workplace culture.
  • Develop a clear understanding of what workplace culture is.
  • Understand the relationship between workplace culture, values, and vision.
  • Understand approaches for assessing workplace culture and steering action.
  • Understand simple rules for turning values into action.
  • Understand nudge as applied to head, heart, and environment.
  • Gain awareness of a range of nudge activities for developing culture.
Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.


Understanding Self-management Skills

How is the course delivered?
  • Learners are asked to attend a webinar.
How long will the course take?
  • It is expected to take three online learning hours.
What are the aims?

To develop individuals at recognising how to get the best from themselves and strategies to help them achieve this.

Content of the course
  • To develop self-management skills.
  • To build resilience and tackle isolation.
  • To understand the importance of time management and setting personal boundaries.
  • Awareness of the impact of your own beliefs and values.
  • Understanding self-management, self-awareness, and confidence.
  • Understanding integrity and how actions and words influence others.
  • Awareness of cultures that foster resilience.
  • Understanding emotional intelligence.
  • How to deal with pressure and stress using wellbeing strategies including delegation.
  • Awareness of time management techniques and tools.
Cost and how to book?

Thank you for your interest in this course. We welcome your enquiries so please email us for more information, for our prices and how to book.
