
May Updates from the Public Engagement Network

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Thank you to all of you who have shared your feedback, experiences and expertise with us this month

May PEN Members’ Meeting on Dentistry

This month saw our PEN Members’ Meeting where we discussed experiences of dentistry.

We were joined by Sampana Banga, Care Quality Commission’s Head of Inspection for Dentistry, who heard your feedback and answered questions about the CQC and dentistry more broadly.

Our discussion points were:

  • Access to NHS dental services, and whether the people you support are relying upon private dental services or DIY dentistry.
  • Inclusivity in dentistry and accessible information.
  • What you think Care Quality Commission (CQC) could do to help improve dental care.

Thank you to those of you who joined us for your valuable feedback and engagement with CQC and other PEN members.

If you have feedback on dentistry, please get in touch with us here.

Supporters Advocates Network Meeting, Making Care Fair campaign, Southend

Community Engagement Officer for PEN, Marta Styk, joined PEN member Making Care Fair at a networking event in Southend earlier this month.

The purpose of the event was to share insights into local health and social care services in the area in order to identify areas which could be improved.

The meeting was attended by advocates from organisations including Mencap and the Citizens Advice Bureau, parents of disabled people and Learning from Lives and Deaths (LeDeR) programme representatives.

Marta spoke to attendees on a variety of subjects including the barriers to dentistry faced by people with a learning disability, experiences of social care and instances of best practices in hospitals which could be replicated elsewhere.

Thank you to Beth Hooper of the Making Care Fair campaign for inviting us to this important event.

Casba Link Advocacy

Casba Link Advocacy are a group for people with a learning disability and autistic people, run by those who use services themselves. They organise support groups and training sessions, and help people with learning disabilities to live more independent lives.

Community Engagement Officer for PEN, Diane Lewis, visited the group this month. She was impressed by the systems the group has which work extremely well, for example using cards with phrases such as:

I want to talk

I feel uncomfortable

I need a break

I do not want to talk.

Diane told the group the Public Engagement Network and the role of the Care Quality Commission.

She also received feedback from the group on the health and social care their members have received.

Thank you to Casba Link Advocacy for being so open and welcoming, and we look forward to working with you again soon.

Quirky Kids

Community Engagement Officer for PEN, Diane Lewis, met with the committee members of Quirky Kids this month, receiving insight into the work they do.

The group is run by parents who run sessions throughout school holidays for families who have children with a disability. No child or young person is excluded and siblings are also in activities.

Quirky Kids formed ten years ago and have been a registered charity for five years.

Diane spoke to people at a session to gather insights into their health and social care experiences. She learned about their local GP practice, wait times and dentists.

Thank you to Quirky Kids for joining our network, and to those who shared their feedback with us. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre

Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre is a registered charity which supports people and their families while coping with cancer and other chronic illnesses. They offer practical advice, emotional support or just a listening ear.

This month, they invited Diane Lewis, our Community Engagement Officer for the Midlands, to gather feedback from people attending their crafts group.

Diane received a friendly welcome and a lovely hot mug of coffee as she heard peoples’ experiences of using health and adult social care services.

Thanks to all at Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre for such a warm welcome and for sharing your insights with us.

Alz’s Dementia Café

Alz's café is a place where people with memory loss and their families and friends can be together in a safe and welcoming environment.

The café provides emotional support, reduces isolation, and offers the opportunity for people to socialise and have fun. It is run by volunteers and has recently been awarded The Kings Award for Service in Voluntary Sector.

Community Engagement Officer for PEN, Diane Lewis, met the team to them all about the Public Engagement Network and how we work with the Care Quality Commission.

The people at the café were enjoying a lovely afternoon tea and some entertainment from a one-man steel band. It was very interactive with the performer asking people if they could identify the tunes he was playing, and people could to get up and dance.

Diane also gained insight from carers in about local mental health services and GPs, isolation that carers can be subjected to and the experiences of people living with dementia.

Thank you to everyone at Alz’s café for taking the time to engage with us. We are delighted to welcome you to the Public Engagement Network!

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