Our commitment to the environment

Choice Support care about our planet, and have been working to improve our carbon footprint and commitment to going green.

Our green initiatives

The Environmental Group

Once a month, Choice Support staff and people we support meet to discuss new ideas for going green. These include tips and tricks on saving money and reusing materials, competitions that encourage people to get outside in the garden, and ways to make caring about the environment fun for the people we support.
All staff are invited to join, so if you have a green thumb, check out our jobs board here:

Choice Support | Current vacancies

Green roofs

Some of our new builds have 'green roofs'. These roofs have greenery on top which promotes insect activity in the garden, reduces risk of flooding and gutter clogging, and improves irrigation by slowing rainfall on the garden.

ISO Certifications

Choice Support have been granted the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) certificate for Environmental Management. This was awarded for our efficient use of resources, reduction of waste, and low carbon footprint.
You can find a full list of our ISO certificates here: Choice Support | International Standardisation Organisation

Carbon footprint standard

Choice Support have been assessed as being within an acceptable carbon emission level.

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Housing and living

We provide support to people living in their own homes. Where you live may be described as a service in registered care, supported living or outreach. To us, what is most important is that it’s your home.

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Information for applicants

Do you want to create opportunities for happiness? Do you share our values? You don't need previous experience or qualifications. We will provide you all the training you'll need to become a great support worker with us.

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Who we are

Supporting individuals based on their choice - not defining people by their support needs.

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